Welcome to ASSETS 360

Frustrated watching your precious savings or capital steadily depreciate in the bank?

Know that property is the best wealth-building asset but not sure how to start?

Lack of time & focus preventing you from investing in property the right way?

Savings Accelerator

Guaranteed % return on your capital

Minimum time commitment just 1 year

Makes your money work hard for you

Produces excellent results year on year

Most common and flexible strategy

Quick results minus a long commitment

The smart alternative to UK's low interest rates, beating inflation & avoiding inflated & risky stock market valuations  

Portfolio Builder

ROI is a mix of capital growth & rental yield

Minimum time commitment just 3 years

Establish, realise longer portfolio goals

We undertake all the work, start to finish

We source, refurbish, refinance, rent & sell

You sit back, relax & enjoy the benefits

  For building a large property portfolio using only an initial deposit, recycled to buy subsequent properties 

Buy to Sell

ROI is high & generates larger capital sums

Pre-determined exit of under 2 years

Larger capital investment equals higher ROI

We execute all the work start to finish

We source, refurbish, refinance, rent & sell

We do the toiling & you, the reclining

  Proving popular with high net-worth individuals, business angels & company directors wanting great returns on their investments  

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