In order to have financial independence, you have to figure out what it means. Once you figure out what you need, break down the end result into small goals that are easy to make. Conquer each small goal and you will reach your big goal of being financially independent. The first step is to figure out how much you are bringing home each day after-tax. Every time you save that much, that will give you one full day of retirement. You can save your money towards retirement and even invest in getting passive income to help your goals.
Key Takeaways:
- Calculate how much you earn per day, subtracting taxes and work-related expenses.
- If you’d prefer a four-day work week, you need to make up the lost income through investments or reduced spending.
- Breaking down the concept of financial freedom into manageable chunks makes it more accessible.
“That’s why it’s worth focusing on passive income, and worth focusing on how you spend your money, even if you’re only working with small amounts to start with.”
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